Category Archives: my Minor

My first minor in 5th term at Binus University…

H = WAR !!!

it’s time to show !!!! date : Rebo, 6 Januari 2010 place : LDA, kampus syahdan time : 07.20 – 11.00 costume : putih item weapon : buku minor @2kg x 5, virus “ApplicationHobbyCraft”, TNT “presentasi_minor,ppt” SEMANGAT 45 !!!! Let … Continue reading

Posted in my Minor | 7,115 Comments

JUDUL : “ANALISIS DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PENJUALAN, PERSEDIAAN, DAN PEMBELIAN HOBBY CRAFT CABANG PONDOK INDAH MALL” TEAM : Apriani 1100040945 Novita 1100042212 Ermitia 1100046192 Victor Wibowo Lukito L. 1100046620 Elysa Yurike 1100046734 Universitas Bina Nusantara Jakarta 2010 TO BE … Continue reading

Posted in my Minor | 1,090 Comments

Minor Project

Since Sept’09 until Now…. M0146 – Information System Minor Project

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