Daily Archives: November 3, 2009

Just Friends VS. Best Friends

Just Friends VS. Best Friends A Just Friend says..hi,..hello,..bye,…and walks away… A Best friend always stop by your side & asks how r u doing ?? A Just Friend has never seen you cry. A Best friend has shoulders soggy … Continue reading

Posted in do you Know?? | 1,354 Comments

Travel in Amazing AIR BUS 380

Love Travelling? Join our Group Funzug for Free! Love Travelling? Join our Group Funzug for Free! Love Travelling? Join our Group Funzug for Free!

Posted in NewsLine | 1,335 Comments

“Because of Love”

> The Devil & the Duck > There was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm. ada seorang anak laki2 mengunjungi kakek nenek nya di pertaniannya. > He was given a slingshot to play with out in the … Continue reading

Posted in do you Know?? | 1,317 Comments

Japanese Foods – Does it make everyone hungry here??

I love this one ..!!

Posted in Mozaic | 1,451 Comments

Hold a True Friend and Don’t Let Go

Hold a True Friend Friends…….. They love you, but they are not your lover They care for you, but they are not from your family They are ready to share your pain, but they are not in your blood relation. … Continue reading

Posted in Mozaic | 1,248 Comments

School Bus in Japan & Pakistan


Posted in NewsLine | 1,400 Comments

Cara – Cara Penyajian Makanan Yang Super Unik !

Cara – Cara Penyajian Makanan Yang Super Unik !

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Ice cream ANEH dari JEPANG

Ice cream ANEH dari JEPANG 1. Ice Cream Rasa “Kaktus” (Saboten Aisu) Rasa dari ice cream rasa kaktus ini katanya sangat lezat dan begitu lembut dilidah. Selain itu ice cream rasa kaktus ini mempunyai khasiat yang baik bagi kesehatan. 2. … Continue reading

Posted in NewsLine | 1,215 Comments

The Underground House

The Underground House

Posted in NewsLine | 1,207 Comments

Coca Cola dalam Renungan

Coca Cola dalam Renungan Ada 3 kaleng coca cola, ketiga kaleng tersebut diproduksi di pabrik yangsama. Ketika tiba harinya, sebuah truk datang ke pabrik,mengangkut kaleng-kaleng coca cola dan menuju ke tempat yang berbeda untuk pendistribusian. Pemberhentian pertama adalah supermaket lokal. … Continue reading

Posted in do you Know?? | 1,236 Comments